Yesterday your second language needed to be Danish, today English alone will suffice as Danish designer Lars Erdmann relaunches his website. promotes his stainless steel and laquered wood box, designed to conceal 3-litre wineboxes.
Thirty-nine year-old Lars – an engineering graduate of Denmark’s Technical University and Nottingham’s Trent University – came up with VinUno after deciding wineboxes “look messy because of the all their different sizes and colours.” He then designed a way of hiding the scruffy cardboard outer as well as “improving the impression of the wine”.
Like many Scandinavians, Lars and his wife Lone drink winebox wine everyday. Danes have taken to them in a big way – about 25 per cent of all wine bought in Denmark is ‘bag-in-box’ wine. The figure is higher in Sweden and Norway where about 50 per cent of wine is bought this way.
Lars is selling his black laquered or white VinUnos through his website for 106 Euros (£71). An international secure credit card payment system is promised within two weeks. The classier looking red laquer design doesn’t seem to be available at the moment. Perhaps because the last red VinUno is being sent to me. Results of its rigorous testing will be posted here as soon as our striking British postal service delivers the VinUno.